Unbridling Our Medicine.. Finding Our Courage To Share Our Gifts..


Here is the truth.

We are here on this planet to share our medicine.

There is a simplicity to honoring that calling and being in pursuit of it, and there are many different ways that this manifests for each of us.

The building of my business, which to me is simply a container of my sacred work, grew from a desire to be on purpose in my life and to honor that calling that I needed to share my gifts.

When I worked in the breeding industry and I would spend my days cleaning stalls, I would think to myself, this is not what I was meant to do.

It took me years and a few false starts to get to a space where I found the courage to say yes to my purpose and path and create space for my medicine to be felt.

I leaped into leasing my own property and finding my way through offering my services, and what it meant to support my life with my work.

It was a hard path, that challenged me, I really didn’t think I was smart enough or knew enough about business.

I avoided knowing how to pay my bills, I gave my services away, I said yes to every person that wanted some of the horse work.

I waded in debt and I found myself losing the knowledge of how to be present to my medicine and support myself.

I hid behind my horses and I struggled deeply with self-confidence.

So although there was a simplicity of starting my path because I felt moved with my gifts, I had to figure out a few pieces.

Like who I was really meant to serve and also who energized me, saying yes to everything was depleting.

How to have proper boundaries in my practice.

Healing my relationship with money.

Being courageous enough to create offerings that spoke deeply to me.

Not just sharing my medicine and messages, but owning it deeply.

It’s a journey, and I had to also empower the way I felt inspired to create things that lead from a more deeply intuitive space.

For the last 7 years, I have dedicated my practice to empowering and mentoring other women in the spaces of their gifts and medicine.

To support them in finding a way to build and grow their practice that felt deeply intuitive and aligned for them.

Move them through tier doubts and fears and help them create their visions of purpose into reality and doing it in a way that honors them.

This past year I wanted to create a space that felt accessible to my community, for a couple of reasons.

Firstly I don’t believe that the limitation of our resources should prevent us from getting the support we need, and sometimes we are limited in what we have available to us at this moment.

Second, I believe so much in the space of our medicine and am invested deeply in supporting other women in the success of theirs, I wanted to create space that could support as many as I could.

Unbridled Medicine Academy, is a container that I created a couple of years ago as a mentorship circle for women needing support in their own self-leadership and how they are holding the space of their medicine and creating around it.

It is here in this space we look at what our medicine is, how do we lead ourselves, who are we serving, creating our purpose containers, healing our relationship with money, and marketing and filling our spaces.

This is a mentorship container that offers a monthly call with me, a private Facebook group with access to yours truly, weekly prompts, and access to the library of modules in this program.

I shifted this space to make it more accessible to people needing deep support without a high investment because we need it sometimes.

Wherever you are at the stage of your practice, just beginning or evolving and you want to have access to a mentor to give you accountability, support, and wisdom, I would love to invite you to join this sacred circle.

$1297 CDN for a year of mentorship, extended payment plans available, you can access this space or read more here.

If you need support and you resonate with what we offer in our spaces, this is a beautiful container for you.

We look forward to welcoming you into this space.

Love your mentor and guide,


Finding Our Courage To Share Our Gifts


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