Unbridled Medicine Academy

Welcome to a space that caters to you---a woman who aligns to a more intuitive and spiritual way of holding your sacred work, who is seeking a teaching that will give permission and room to letting your intuition lead the way.

Welcome to The Unbridled Medicine Academy - a teaching and philosophy that offers in depth modules and trainings of how you can align your energy and leadership to your work so you can create programs that reflect your purpose.

You are a woman who is deeply committed to the range and depth of your purpose and service.

You have been walking the path of service for a couple of years and perhaps experiencing a place of stagnation where you are wanting to evolve and grow beyond where you are.

You feel stuck in the current landscape of your business and who you serve.

You are wanting to feel in greater alignment with how you serve and create in your practice.

You are feeling frustrated with how depleted you feel and how much effort it is feeling like to grow and serve in your practice.

You feel restricted by your current practice and how you feel you need to hold it, not knowing how or fearing what needs to change.

You are feeling perhaps not as lit up or energized in who you are serving in your work and not sure how to shift who you feel called to.

You are feeling overwhelmed and uncertain of how to navigate the space of social media, growing your community and how to be present in that space in a way that feels supportive for you.

You are wanting to be held through navigating the real shit that happens behind the scenes that feel you need to be supported through.

You are looking for a different way to be in relationship with your practice, one that feels more energetic, and sacred and seeks out the wisdom and intelligence of not just your own intuition but the space of what your business and purpose has for you.

Here is what this space unearths and deepens.

You are the center of your creations, how you hold yourself and your energy matters deeply to what you are creating.

Your business, purpose, and containers that are a reflection of your gifts and wisdom have an intelligence for you to tap into. You are not the one that has to resource all the answers yourself.  

We can learn how to be in relationship to what we are creating in a way that feels deeply honoring to ourselves and others and has us tapping into a deeper wisdom of our creations so we feel supported not drained or depleted by what we are doing.

What this container is:

It is a blend of teaching and mentorship, giving you tools, and abilities to tap into the energy of your business and your own wisdom so that running your business and creating feels inspiring and not something that depletes you or you are resentful of.

You are supported as the holder of everything. We look deeply into how you are holding yourself, your inner wounds and where you are creating from.  We cannot expect to create success when we are feeling internally depleted and are leading ourselves from a stagnant source.

You are given practical support and wisdom on how to lead yourself and your business. This includes your intuitive strategy for the growth of your business, how to fill your spaces and call your people in and navigating the space of social media in a way that feels supportive for you.

You are walked through processes to help you excavate your offerings, who you feel called to serve and where that needs to shift, and how to feel confident in how you write, communicate and share your messaging, so you can come back to what you learn beyond just our time together.

A support system where you get to journey with a small collective of women that are in a similar journey as you are and are walking a path that is like yours.  There is deep medicine from community and this is an aspect of that.


This program is for you if...

  • You are looking to transition into running your own full-time practice, online or in person, and are in the beginning stages of building your business.

  • You have been running your practice for a while but feel out of tune and lacking confidence in your vision and intuition of your business, and are in a space where you feel as if you are starting again and want some support and clarity of where to create from here.

Because this teaching offers guidance around all elements of your journey, whether you are just starting or evolving your practice, the material will be applicable for you.


If you are struggling with:

Knowing the depths of your medicine and purpose,

Lacking confidence around what you teach and facilitate,

Lacking clarity in what offerings to create, or who you serve,

Feeling stuck around how to get clients, or market yourself in an authentic way, 

Feeling overwhelmed with knowing where to start, and that is leading to procrastination, 

Experiencing doubt and fear in moving forward with your vision,

Struggling with your relationship with money and how to price your offerings,

This container will be empowering for you.

Everything I teach and hold in this program has been what I have applied and continue to apply in each stage of growth of my own business.


Through the modules, I blend support of your own inner work - to build clarity and confidence in how you lead and create in your business - along with teachings on how to support the business itself: from designing your purposeful offerings, to landing your message, aligning and connecting you to potential clients, to healing your relationship with money.

These are tried and true teachings that have not only supported myself in building both my online business and equine retreat business, it has also deeply supported the women who have journeyed through this program.

I bring the experience as a mentor of navigating both in person and online businesses, building a sustainable business that makes multiple 6 figures each year (and has been since 2015), and more importantly one that I continue to build and grow each year.

I have been teaching and mentoring women in their growth and in their purpose since 2012. I look forward to sharing these teachings with you and watching your growth unfold. 

What People Are Saying


“This program is exactly what I needed to help me restructure my business into one that truly represents me and the work I want to do. There is nothing superficial about this program; this is a real-deal deep dive into everything that affects your business! The amount of ground I’ve covered in less than two months is truly unbelievable! Hillary’s modules have helped me work through so much of what has been getting in the way of fulfilling my purpose through my business. And every time I’ve gotten stuck, Hillary has pinpointed the root cause and launched me forward with an arsenal of tools to keep me on track. She is truly gifted in helping us define and execute our passions and our purpose within our businesses, not only in a conceptual way but also practically. The combination of online modules, group calls, 1:1 calls and the private Facebook group has been a very supportive structure for me. The other women in my cohort are so uniquely talented and have become such wonderful resources. It’s invaluable to know I have a group of people to lean on, share with and get feedback from. I gain so much from listening to the other ladies on our calls as well as the 1:1 time I get with Hillary. One of my favourite aspects about Hillary’s coaching is that she doesn’t hold my hand or project her personal style onto me. She truly listens and helps guide me toward what feels right for me and what my authentic version of my business is. I am getting ready to launch the first phase of business restructuring and I have received incredible feedback from my clients and colleagues already! And I also have two more phases already lined up. If you are feeling called or even nudged to get into this program, trust yourself and jump in! I’m so so glad I did!”

— Angela Saieva


“I signed up for the Unbridled Medicine Academy in April 2020 solely for business development. Due to a physical injury, I was looking to shift from a thriving business I had built over a decade to a new venture, one which was just a vague concept that I hoped the Academy would help me develop. As I write (December 2020) I realise that the past nine months have been predominantly a journey of personal development and discovery.

When I completed the enrolment form for the Academy many answers to Hillary’s questions where along the lines of ‘I don’t know why, I just feel drawn to work with you’. I genuinely didn’t know why this middle-aged, practical, no-nonsense British woman had been drawn to work with the wise, wordy, self-confessed ‘woo woo’ girl that is Hillary Schneider! I guess that was my first taste of letting the intuitive side of me make decisions huh?

Our first call is still fresh in my mind. I felt like a fish out of water. These amazing women were sharing their goals, ideas and wisdom with such beautiful language, and a passion I just didn’t feel. I felt like the odd one out, the ‘square’ in the group of cool kids. I questioned whether I should have signed up. I shared all of this on the second call and was supported to keep working through it. With hindsight something special was already happening as the old me would have just kept quiet.

As I worked through the extensive course materials, I found myself peeling back layers of false identities, beliefs that weren’t truly mine. With the help of the group calls I gained a clear understanding of how I wanted to work; it was not the ‘normal’ way of coaching, but it felt right to me. Hillary has an uncanny knack of helping to find your true purpose.

Early on in the programme I wrote three words in my journal, what I was aiming for if you will: clarity, serenity and prosperity. With the help of the Academy I now feel all three in my life. As the programme is coming to an end, although I do not have a six-figure business up and running what I have is worth so much more. I have self-belief, a calmness but with so much power behind it that I know the business side of my life with now thrive.

Oh, as a side note I have just remembered that I wrote a book during the programme which has five-star reviews on Amazon and a self-study course to go along with it. But that is the powerful medicine which Hillary gifts you, that when you align yourself to your true purpose, beliefs, and passions that success is a by-product. I cannot wait to see what the following nine months bring.”

— Sue Gould-Wright


What is included in this container:

  • 1 Group Mentorship Call every 3 weeks

  • Quarterly Virtual Retreat Trainings 

  • Lifetime access to modules plus access to our library of courses

  • Private Facebook group for support


More about the modules: 

The modules give you a space to go through. I encourage you to start at the beginning and as you move along, listen to what teaching feels most applicable to you in this moment.

The modules include:

  • Finding and owning our medicine

  • Creating our purposeful containers

  • Pricing our offering the intuitive way

  • Intuitive marketing and messaging

  • Calling into the collective of our clients

  • Healing our relationship with money

  • Self mastery and leadership

  • Purpose and vision

how we journey:

The space of Unbridled Medicine Academy is a 6 month Journey where we have a call every 3 weeks and private online community where you can continue to steep and deepen into support.

What is included in this space is lifetime access to the modules and library of courses that we teach so you can come back to the content as you need it and the support to deepen in the teachings.

We do not teach in a linear way, rather we look to meet each woman where they are at in their journey, honoring where you authentically are. The content is there for you as you need it and we will direct and guide you to it, so we can come together meet you where you are.



If you feel you would like to add some 1:1 mentorship and you would find it valuable to have 1:1 support you can add the following options to your investment. This would be additional to the length of time you are enrolling in. If you need an additional payment plan to add 1:1 support alongside your journey, please contact us and we can create a custom plan for you.

6 1:1 Mentorship Calls

Includes call recordings and private email support

3 1:1 Mentorship Calls:

Includes call recordings and private email support

Payment plans are held on an honor system. We trust that as you are entering into the program, you will ensure and stay committed to making payments.

In the event that payment stops, you will be removed from the program and access to the content will be revoked.

Payment plan options will give you access to the program in its entirety upon purchase.


The form of that medicine might take many different manifestations.

If you are creating your own practice, we will apply that wisdom to unbridling your offerings and business in a way that speaks to how your medicine wants to be felt.

If you are creating a book, or an offering, or a product, we will apply the same space of purpose towards that.

If the manifestation of your medicine is in your work and how you lead, we apply the wisdom to that space.


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