A big dose of eagle medicine...


I had an out-of-the-ordinary encounter with a Juvenile bald eagle 2 days before the full moon.

There are layers to this post as I believe with each encounter of life that we have, both the physical and metaphysical.

I got home from being in town when 2 of my current work stay gals came running over saying there was an Eagle in our backyard hunting our chickens.

My first response was impossible, our backyard is heavily treed and eagles need an open sky to hunt.

I have never in my 6 years of living here had an Eagle come into the backyard.

It must be a hawk.

I walked into the backyard and to my surprise, a giant Juvenile, which is a young eagle, was sitting on the fence.

He had been on the ground in the yard, the chickens were alerting, hiding in the bushes and this Eagle just stayed put.

My initial reaction was shit we have to chase him off so he doesn’t eat our chickens.

It was quite comical because the Eagle was completely unperturbed by us, we chased it off and it just flew on top of the barn content to sit and watch.

We banged on the roof, made loud noises, nothing.

There must be something wrong with this Eagle?

Turns out there wasn’t, it was a young Eagle learning to hunt and decided my chickens looked like a good meal.

As a side, no one was taken by the Eagle.


I was excited because I got up close to the Eagle with some epic pictures and it took a lot of effort to get this Eagle to fly off but he never really went far.

Of course, once I landed I sat with, well what is this eagle bringing us a message, and quite a loud one.

So I sat with it and what perhaps I felt the meaning was and here is what I landed on.

Eagles have been significant energy for me, it has been a guardian and a guide. This year there have been lots of sightings of eagles which is not as common where I live now.

I have found an abundance of eagle feathers this summer, one before the fires which I felt was a sign that all would be well.

Eagle holds the symbolism of being connected to the great spirit, the sun, and the visionary.

When I see Eagle, I am reminded of the presence of the divine in my life and that I am moving on the path that is being guided by that force and presence.


This summer was a challenge as I have shared, having a wildfire across the road and having to evacuate the herd. So part of what gave me comfort was that I had these Eagle feathers that showed up, I felt protected and guided.

Going back a few years, Eagles became a more significant guide for me personally when I bought this property.

When I was in the space of this property showing itself to me and me struggling with the idea of how was I going to be able to purchase these 80 acres and million-dollar property, I kept seeing Eagle feathers.

In what I thought was insanity and an impossible feat, the divine energy said, this is for you, and you are supported.

So even though I had no idea how I was going to buy this property I felt the guiding hand of spirit saying it’s possible.

There was another layer to this that I don’t know if I ever shared but it feels appropriate here too with an Eagle message.

This ranch, this dream to me has always been about me saying yes to the bigness of my calling and purpose in the world.

I was afraid at one point to step into what I knew this would be, I knew it would stretch me, I knew it would be hard, but I felt the calling that said, but this is your purpose in this lifetime to hold.

My dream of having a retreat center and of doing the work I do is lead completely by this deep urging I have to be connected and also honoring of my purpose in this lifetime.

When I have moments where I perhaps wish I had a simpler life I fall back on this, and know that that is my anchor and alignment, to always allow for my purpose to take root in my life.

This retreat space, my quest for healing my wounds around abundance, worthiness, and everything that I move through are in part so I can live my purpose as deeply as my soul is desiring.

So Eagle is my calling card that something greater is speaking to you and you are being guided towards it.

Since coming back to the retreat space I have felt this deeper urging to sit with this quest of purpose even more.

I do believe that our purpose is not something we achieve but rather it is an evolution that continues to expand and deepen.

There will never be a time where I am not open or listening to where I am being asked to deepen into my purpose, or told that it’s time to expand my capacity to hold it.

And what I noticed as I sat with this.

I am afraid.

There is resistance in me right now around where I am being asked to step into an aspect of my purpose that I am being asked to hold.

It scares me, I am reluctant to own it and truthfully I have been for a few years.

I didn’t realize how deeply the fear was embedded and I really feel this Eagle coming was an amplification and somewhat urgent sign to remember this calling and to listen to it.

I still as much as people might believe otherwise, get afraid, I still have resistance show up, I still have to practice what I preach.

And as I stood in the field that the last couple of days I felt this message and reminder.

Our purpose is not just about us, there is a ripple effect that is felt in the world when we are courageous enough to say yes to our purpose.

We have an impact, deeper than we know, there is a chain of community and effects that comes with us stepping more boldly into what is ours to hold.

I forgot this but in the depth of my own discomfort that it’s not about me.

I truly believe this

It is our responsibility to own and give space to our purpose and our gifts in this lifetime.

However, they wish to be expressed and to honor and not doubt or question our worthiness or capacity to hold them.

There is a long reach to us saying yes to our callings, for the generations in front of us and our ancestors that have lived before us.

We are connected to a much bigger wheel than we sometimes remember or believe.

I will say since I sat with the message of Eagle he has not come back, because perhaps I honored what he was asking of me.

What I am landing with right now and perhaps this will resonate as well:

Where can I more deeply acknowledge the guiding hand of the spirit, the divine, and my ancestors in my life?

Where can I look to and nurture this connection to spirit and be reminded that its force is with me each step of the way?

What aspect of my purpose am I denying or afraid to claim? And why? 

What if I just allowed myself to be present to and available to how purpose wants to have its way with me right now?

What if I stepped into what was calling me? Without fear? Knowing that I am being divinely guided? What would I step into? What would I create?

How can I remind myself of the greater impact of my calling and let that give me the courage to say yes to it?

When I am ready to share what this means to me I will. I am taking the time to honor the calling and feel into what it looks like for me to claim it more deeply.

And sometimes it just us acknowledging what we are feeling called towards and saying ok spirit guide me, and that’s all we need to do at the moment.

If this resonates for you as well take some time with it.

And perhaps ask Eagle what personal message does he or she have for you?  What do you feel is the medicine in this?

Eagle on some Native American teachings of the medicine wheel is found in the east, which can symbolize new be about new beginnings, and holding the vision of the future, and the call that its time to follow it.

Where does this resonate with where you are right now?

Wherever this needed to land for you today,

Love your mentor and guide,


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