A Reflection Of "Success.." how I unbridled my own medicine in my purpose


When I was 29 years old, I made a leap.

I had up until that point been a nanny, a dog walker, worked in stables and breeding farms, and for the last 4 years been dabbling with the space of equine guided coaching.

I decided or felt guided at that time that I needed to “sink or swim” to see if I could make this vision of purpose I had of sharing the spaces of horses work.

I was 29 years old, had just recently moved to the west coast in BC from Ontario, and felt like it was time for me to leave everything behind to find my own space and create my programs with the work with the horses.

I had a vision of purpose, but I truly knew nothing about business or finances. I was deeply naive.

And in truth, beyond my own sense of purpose and desire to create a space for it, lacked any ambition around “success.”  Because I really only cared about being purposeful in my life.

MY journey began with finding a property to lease and using funds that I had in savings from my childhood to invest in a covered round pen and support for my finances.

I grew my herd synchronistically from 1 horse to 5 and dove right in.

Most of the time, I had no idea what I was doing, other than I believed deeply in the space of the horses and wanted to share that.

The first two years I fumbled a lot, I said yes to every single opportunity that came into my space, I gave away my sessions because I wanted to just do the work and didn’t feel comfortable charging.

I was scared a lot, in fear and doubt, hiding, really resistant to being seen.

I said yes to lots of partnerships that were not really aligned.

All of this was a good learning experience and then I found myself maxed out on all my credit cards, in deep debt without any money left and not enough coming in.

I was looking and facing a reality that if I didn’t sort out my shit, I was going to lose my dream and a home for my horses.

I had to borrow money from my parents, I invested in my business, hired a business mentor but the most important piece was I had to embrace my own personal medicine and do business in a way that felt good to me.

I had to look where I had zero boundaries, where I was giving sessions away, and where I was trying to fit myself into a mold that didn’t fit.

I resented my business and I had to find a way to hold it that felt aligned for me.

Things shifted when I realized that I could see my business as something sacred that held my purpose, that there was no rule book. I could follow my intuition, do things my way, look at my relationship with money and be brave enough to follow my knowing and claiming of my medicine.

Since that time, which was 9 years ago, I found “success.”  Which manifested as being able to support my purpose, my herd, and purchasing my dream property, 80 acres on a mountain top.

I have made the 6 figures, except in truth, how much you make doesn’t always mean anything. I have created flow where my business and offering to support my needs and what I need to support myself and my herd.

I have created an impact in my work, owned the spaces of my own medicine, and found myself living that dream of purpose that had me find courage when I first said yes to this dream.

And there is not just one secret that found me there, it’s been a lot of deep reflection, personal losses, and failures, persistence, following my own truth when others and sometimes myself thought I was insane.

Listening to my own wisdom and doing things my way and working and chipping away at my own healing while being courageous to try things out.

Over the years I found myself helping and guiding other women in the space of claiming their medicine and finding a different way to hold their business.

I believe deeply in the medicine and leadership of women, and that we need to be able to share our gifts and we can do so in a way that doesn't feel like a compromise to our values and how we exist in the world.

We can lead intuitively and spiritually,  and find fulfillment in what we are building around our purpose and find our space of authentic success around that.

And I would love to show you how.

Next week I am running a free virtual retreat series for my women who are starting, building, or expanding their sacred business and need some help.

I will be covering all the places we can get stuck when it comes to creating our success and fulfillment in our work.

Identifying the collective we serve.

Healing our relationship with money.

Filling our spaces

Creating our purposeful containers.

Holding boundaries in our sacred work and in ourselves.

Tending to our doubts and fears.

If you struggle with any element of how you are holding your business and feel frustrated, stuck, or overwhelmed.

And you are looking for a different way of holding things, one that feels more in tune with how you create.

Come join me.

It’s free, if you can’t make the sessions live there will be recordings that get sent out afterward. Here’s the link to join me if you are called to.

Otherwise leaving you with this message.

Listen to the rhythms and wisdom of your own spirit, there is no rule book, follow your intuition and let yourself create in a way that feels aligned to you.

Love your mentor and guide,


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